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Codes of Conduct



In addition to Netball Victoria's General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club and in your role as a coach of Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club:


•  Treat all players with respect at all times. Be honest and consistent with them.  Honour all promises and commitments, both verbal and              written.

•  Promote a climate of mutual support among your players. Encourage players to respect one another and to expect respect for their worth as      individuals regardless of their level of play.

•  Encourage and facilitate players’ independence and responsibility for their own behaviour, performance, decisions and actions.

•  Involve the players in decisions that affect them.

•  Determine, in consultation with the players, what information is confidential and respect that confidentiality.

•  Provide feedback to players in a caring sensitive manner to their needs. Avoid overly negative feedback.

•  Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards your players.  This includes verbal, physical and emotional abuse.  Be alert to any forms of      abuse directed toward your players from other sources while they are in your care.  (Abide by Netball Victoria Member Protection Regulation).

•  Refrain from any form of harassment towards your players. Treat all players fairly within the context of their sporting activities, regardless of      gender, race, place of origin, athletic potential, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status, and other condition     (Abide by Netball Victoria Member Protection Regulation).

•  Be acutely aware of the power that you as a coach develop with your players in the coaching relationship and avoid any sexual intimacy with      players that could develop as a result.

•  Avoid situations with your players that could be construed as compromising.

•  At all times use appropriate training methods which will benefit the players and avoid those which could be harmful.  Ensure that the tasks,        trainings, equipment and facilities are safe and suitable for age, experience, ability and physical and psychological conditions of the players.

•  Ensure the players time spent with you are a positive experience.  All players are deserving of equal attention and opportunities. Provide              training and game opportunities that ensure everyone has a reasonable chance to succeed and to improve/acquire skills and develop                  confidence.

•  Actively discourage the use of performance enhancing drugs, alcohol, tobacco and illegal substance. (Abide by the Netball Australia Anti-            Doping Policy).

•  Recognise individual differences in players and always think of the player’s long-term best interests.

•  Set challenges for each player which are both achievable and motivating.

•  Respect the fact that your goal as a coach for the player may not always be the same as that of the player.  Aim for excellence based upon •        realistic goals and due consideration for the participant’s growth and development.

•  At all times act as a role model that promotes the positive aspects of sport and of netball by maintaining the highest standards of personal          conduct and projecting a favourable image of netball and of coaching at all times.

•  Recognise your player’s rights to consult with other coaches and advisers.  Cooperate fully with other specialists (eg. sports scientists,                doctors, physiotherapists etc).

•  Do not exploit any coaching relationship or information gained through Netball Victoria Programs, to further personal, political, or business          interests.

•  Encourage players and coaches to develop and maintain integrity in their relationships with others.

•  Respect other coaches and always act in a manner characterised by courtesy and good faith.

•  When asked to coach, ensure that any previous coach- player relationship has been ended in a professional manner.

•  Accept and respect the role of officials in ensuring that competitions are conducted fairly and according to established rules.  Know and              abide by netball rules, regulations and standards, and encourage players to do likewise.  Accept both the letter and the spirit of the rules.

•  Be honest and ensure that qualifications are not misrepresented.

•  Make a commitment to providing a quality service to your players.  Provide a training program that is planned and sequential.  Maintain or          improve your current NCAS accreditation, seek continual improvement through performance appraisal and ongoing coach education and be        open to other people’s opinion.



Junior Player Code of Behaviour


In addition to Netball Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, as a player in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:


•  Participate because you enjoy it, not just to please parents and coaches.

•  Play by the rules:


Know the rules

•  Participate fairly and safely.

•  Abide by decisions, without argument or bad temper.


Captains have the right to approach an umpire during an interval or after the game for clarification of any rule.

•  Approach the umpire in a courteous and polite way


•  Cooperate with your coach, and other players.

•  Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately fouling or provoking an opponent and throwing/damaging equipment is not acceptable      or permitted.

•  Treat all players, as you would like to be treated.

•  Ensure that at all times your behaviour is fair.

•  Be a patient and enthusiastic supporter of fellow players.

•  Applaud all good play, by your own team and opponents.

•  Be a responsible team member.

•  Always be on time.

•  Encourage and assist all players.


Attend all training sessions.

•  Ensure you always bring the appropriate uniform and equipment to training and/or matches.

•  Do not engage in practises that affect sporting performance (alcohol, tobacco and drug use.)

•  Respect and acknowledge the contribution of those who create the opportunity for you to play.

•  Volunteers (scorers, coaches, timekeepers, administrators and umpires).



Senior Player Code of Behaviour


In addition to Netball Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, as a player in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:


  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow players, coaches, officials and spectators.

  • Refrain from conduct that could be regarded as sexual or other harassment.

  • Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow players and competitors.

  • Care and respect the uniform and equipment provided to you.

  • Be frank and honest with your coach concerning illness and injury and your ability to train and play fully.

  • Conduct yourself in a responsible manner relating to language, temper and punctuality.

  • Maintain a high standard of personal behaviour at all times.

  • Abide by the rules and respect the decision of the umpires.  Be courteous and use the correct process when seeking a rule clarification.

  • Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training.  Work equally hard for yourself and your team.

  • Cooperate with coaches and staff in relation to programs that adequately prepare you for competition.

  • Do not engage in practises that affect sporting performance (alcohol, tobacco and drug use.)



Umpire Code of Behaviour


In addition to Netball Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club and in your role as an umpire appointed by Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club:

•  Treat all players with respect at all times.

•  Accept responsibility for all actions taken.  Exercise reasonable care to prevent injury by ensuring players play within the rules. 

    Reasonable care consists of advising the players of illegal body movements, showing due diligence in detecting infringements and

    penalising rule breakers.

•  Place the safety and welfare of the players above all else.  Although it is the responsibility of umpires to ensure that the playing

    conditions are safe, in the end it is the association’s decision.  

•  If a court supervisor or equivalent, is appointed and present at the match they would decide whether the game should commence or                    continue and deal with any emergencies relating to a safe environment or anticipate any foreseeable dangers and deal with it appropriately.   

   If no such person is present, you should make a decision as to whether the match should commence or continue due to adverse conditions,         unsafe environment or foreseeable dangers.

•  Umpires must be impartial and maintain integrity in their relationship with other umpires, players and coaches.

•  Avoid situations that may lead to a conflict of interest.

•  Be courteous, respectful and open to discussion and interaction.  

•  Value the individual in sport. Ensure the players have the opportunity for discussion with you after the match.

•  Seek continual self-improvement through study, performance appraisal and regular updating of competencies.  Maintain or improve your            current badge level and seek continual improvement.

•  Encourage inclusivity and access to all areas of officiating.  Aim for excellence based upon realistic goals and due consideration for   

    growth and development.

•  Be a positive role model in behaviour and personal appearance by maintaining the highest standards of personal conduct and project                   favourable image of netball and umpiring at all times.

•  Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards players.  This includes verbal, physical and emotional abuse.  Be alert to any forms

    of abuse directed towards the players from other sources while they are playing.  (Abide by Netball Victoria Member Protection Regulation).

•  Refrain from any form of harassment towards players.  Treat all players fairly within the context of their sporting activities, regardless

    of gender, race, place of origin, athletic potential, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status, and

    other conditions. (Abide by Netball Victoria Member Protection Regulation).

•  Show concern and caution towards ill and injured players.  You should enforce the blood rule and apply procedures regarding ill or

    injured players according to the rulebook.  Common sense must be applied in all cases.



Parent/Guardian Code of Behaviour


In addition to Netball Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, as a parent/guardian of a player in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:


  1. If your child is interested, encourage them to participate in the appropriate netball activity.  However, if your child is not willing to participate, do not force him or her.  Remember, children are involved in organised activity for their enjoyment, not yours.

  2. Focus upon your child's efforts and performance rather than the overall outcome of the event.  This assists your child in setting realistic goals related to his/her ability by reducing the emphasis on winning.

  3. Teach your child that an honest effort is as important as victory, so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment.

  4. Encourage your child to always play according to the rules.

  5. Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game.

  6. Remember that children learn best from example.  Applaud good play by all players.

  7. If you disagree with an umpire or coach raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than question their judgement and honesty in public.  

  8. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse.

  9. Recognise and respect the value and importance of volunteer administrators, coaches and umpires.  They give up their time and resources to provide recreational activities for players and deserve your support.

  10. Be a model of good sports behaviour for children to copy.

  11. Be courteous in communication with administrators, coaches, players and umpires.  Teach children to do likewise.

  12. Support the use of age appropriate development activities and modified rules. 



Spectator Code of Behaviour


In addition to Netball Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, as a spectator in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:


•  Most players (in particular children) participate in netball activities for fun.  They are not participating for entertainment of spectators only.

•  Applaud good performance and efforts by all players.  When watching a game congratulate both teams upon their performance regardless

    of the game's outcome.

•  Respect the umpires’ and coaches decisions.  If there is a disagreement, follow the appropriate procedure in order to question the

    decision and teach children to do likewise.

•  Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake during a competition.  Positive comments are motivational.

•  Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by administrators, coaches, players, umpires or parents/guardians.

•  Show respect for your team's coach, the umpire and opponents.  Without them there would be no game.

•  Encourage players to play according to the rules and the official decisions, and develop your own knowledge of the rules.

•  Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul language, and not harassing administrators, coaches, players or umpires.

•  Support the use of age appropriate development activities and modified rules.



Media Code of Behaviour


In addition to Netball Victoria’s General Code of Behaviour, as media in any activity held by or under the auspices of Netball Victoria, a Region, an Affiliated Association or an Affiliated Club, you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any such activity or event:


•  Provide coverage of all players’ netball activities, including development programs, competitive and non-competitive netball.

•  Be aware of the difference between adult netball programs and children's netball programs.

•  Place in proper perspective the isolated incidents of unsportsmanlike behaviour rather than make such incidents the "highlight" of the event.

•  Focus upon player’s fair play and their honest effort.

•  Identify and report on the problems of players participating in organised netball and report the violations and distortions of their rights

    as players.

•  Recognise the sporting achievements of players from disadvantaged groups, including adolescent girls, people with disabilities, Koori’s

    and Torres Strait Islanders, people from non-English speaking backgrounds and rural population.

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